aftershock sequence meaning in Chinese
- Synthetical judgment of types of aftershock sequences in chin ' s mainland
中国大陆余震序列类型的综合判定 - There are two important questions : one is what is the properties of the seismicity before the earthquake , the other is about the character of the aftershock sequence . the completeness of the catalogue of earthquakes with magnitude over 3 . 0 can be confirmed by different independent tests such as minimum magnitude distribution , frequency - magnitude distribution and the rydelek - sacks test
本文用最低震级分布、震级频度分布和rydelek - sacks检验等方法分析了格尔木单台、青海省地震台网和格尔木台阵记录到的本次地震的余震序列,确认余震的记录对于m _ l3 . 0级以上的地震是完整的。